Chapter 2. The Kinetic Theory of Gases
2.4 Distribution of Molecular Speeds
Learning Objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
- Describe the distribution of molecular speeds in an ideal gas
- Find the average and most probable molecular speeds in an ideal gas
Particles in an ideal gas all travel at relatively high speeds, but they do not travel at the same speed. The rms speed is one kind of average, but many particles move faster and many move slower. The actual distribution of speeds has several interesting implications for other areas of physics, as we will see in later chapters.
The Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution
The motion of molecules in a gas is random in magnitude and direction for individual molecules, but a gas of many molecules has a predictable distribution of molecular speeds. This predictable distribution of molecular speeds is known as the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, after its originators, who calculated it based on kinetic theory, and it has since been confirmed experimentally (Figure 2.15).
To understand this figure, we must define a distribution function of molecular speeds, since with a finite number of molecules, the probability that a molecule will have exactly a given speed is 0.

We define the distribution function
[Since N is dimensionless, the unit of f(v) is seconds per meter.] We can write this equation conveniently in differential form:
In this form, we can understand the equation as saying that the number of molecules with speeds between v and
We can now quote Maxwell’s result, although the proof is beyond our scope.
Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution of Speeds
The distribution function for speeds of particles in an ideal gas at temperature T is
The factors before the
Calculating the Ratio of Numbers of Molecules Near Given Speeds
In a sample of nitrogen (
Since we’re looking at a small range, we can approximate the number of molecules near 100 m/s as
All we have to do is take the ratio of the two f values.
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- Identify the knowns and convert to SI units if necessary.
- Substitute the values and solve.
Figure 2.16 shows that the curve is shifted to higher speeds at higher temperatures, with a broader range of speeds.

With only a relatively small number of molecules, the distribution of speeds fluctuates around the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. However, you can view this simulation to see the essential features that more massive molecules move slower and have a narrower distribution. Use the set-up “2 Gases, Random Speeds”. Note the display at the bottom comparing histograms of the speed distributions with the theoretical curves.
We can use a probability distribution to calculate average values by multiplying the distribution function by the quantity to be averaged and integrating the product over all possible speeds. (This is analogous to calculating averages of discrete distributions, where you multiply each value by the number of times it occurs, add the results, and divide by the number of values. The integral is analogous to the first two steps, and the normalization is analogous to dividing by the number of values.) Thus the average velocity is
as in Pressure, Temperature, and RMS Speed. The most probable speed, also called the peak speed
which is less than
The peak speed provides a sometimes more convenient way to write the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function:
In the factor
The first part of this equation, with the negative exponential, is the usual way to write it. We give the second part only to remark that
Problem-Solving Strategy: Speed Distribution
Step 1. Examine the situation to determine that it relates to the distribution of molecular speeds.
Step 2. Make a list of what quantities are given or can be inferred from the problem as stated (identify the known quantities).
Step 3. Identify exactly what needs to be determined in the problem (identify the unknown quantities). A written list is useful.
Step 4. Convert known values into proper SI units (K for temperature, Pa for pressure,
Step 5. Determine whether you need the distribution function for velocity or the one for energy, and whether you are using a formula for one of the characteristic speeds (average, most probably, or rms), finding a ratio of values of the distribution function, or approximating an integral.
Step 6. Solve the appropriate equation for the ideal gas law for the quantity to be determined (the unknown quantity). Note that if you are taking a ratio of values of the distribution function, the normalization factors divide out. Or if approximating an integral, use the method asked for in the problem.
Step 7. Substitute the known quantities, along with their units, into the appropriate equation and obtain numerical solutions complete with units.
We can now gain a qualitative understanding of a puzzle about the composition of Earth’s atmosphere. Hydrogen is by far the most common element in the universe, and helium is by far the second-most common. Moreover, helium is constantly produced on Earth by radioactive decay. Why are those elements so rare in our atmosphere? The answer is that gas molecules that reach speeds above Earth’s escape velocity, about 11 km/s, can escape from the atmosphere into space. Because of the lower mass of hydrogen and helium molecules, they move at higher speeds than other gas molecules, such as nitrogen and oxygen. Only a few exceed escape velocity, but far fewer heavier molecules do. Thus, over the billions of years that Earth has existed, far more hydrogen and helium molecules have escaped from the atmosphere than other molecules, and hardly any of either is now present.
We can also now take another look at evaporative cooling, which we discussed in the chapter on temperature and heat. Liquids, like gases, have a distribution of molecular energies. The highest-energy molecules are those that can escape from the intermolecular attractions of the liquid. Thus, when some liquid evaporates, the molecules left behind have a lower average energy, and the liquid has a lower temperature.
- The motion of individual molecules in a gas is random in magnitude and direction. However, a gas of many molecules has a predictable distribution of molecular speeds, known as the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.
- The average and most probable velocities of molecules having the Maxwell-Boltzmann speed distribution, as well as the rms velocity, can be calculated from the temperature and molecular mass.
Key Equations
Ideal gas law in terms of molecules | |
Ideal gas law ratios if the amount of gas is constant | |
Ideal gas law in terms of moles | |
Van der Waals equation | |
Pressure, volume, and molecular speed | |
Root-mean-square speed | |
Mean free path | |
Mean free time | |
The following two equations apply only to a monatomic ideal gas: | |
Average kinetic energy of a molecule | |
Internal energy | |
Heat in terms of molar heat capacity at constant volume | |
Molar heat capacity at constant volume for an ideal gas with d degrees of freedom | |
Maxwell–Boltzmann speed distribution | |
Average velocity of a molecule | |
Peak velocity of a molecule |
Conceptual Questions
One cylinder contains helium gas and another contains krypton gas at the same temperature. Mark each of these statements true, false, or impossible to determine from the given information. (a) The rms speeds of atoms in the two gases are the same. (b) The average kinetic energies of atoms in the two gases are the same. (c) The internal energies of 1 mole of gas in each cylinder are the same. (d) The pressures in the two cylinders are the same.
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a. false; b. true; c. true; d. true
Repeat the previous question if one gas is still helium but the other is changed to fluorine,
An ideal gas is at a temperature of 300 K. To double the average speed of its molecules, what does the temperature need to be changed to?
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1200 K
In a sample of hydrogen sulfide
Using the approximation
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Using the method of the preceding problem, estimate the fraction of nitric oxide (NO) molecules at a temperature of 250 K that have energies between
By counting squares in the following figure, estimate the fraction of argon atoms at
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About 0.072. Answers may vary slightly. A more accurate answer is 0.074.
Using a numerical integration method such as Simpson’s rule, find the fraction of molecules in a sample of oxygen gas at a temperature of 250 K that have speeds between 100 m/s and 150 m/s. The molar mass of oxygen
Find (a) the most probable speed, (b) the average speed, and (c) the rms speed for nitrogen molecules at 295 K.
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a. 419 m/s; b. 472 m/s; c. 513 m/s
Repeat the preceding problem for nitrogen molecules at 2950 K.
At what temperature is the average speed of carbon dioxide molecules
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541 K
The most probable speed for molecules of a gas at 296 K is 263 m/s. What is the molar mass of the gas? (You might like to figure out what the gas is likely to be.)
a) At what temperature do oxygen molecules have the same average speed as helium atoms
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2400 K for all three parts
Additional Problems
In the deep space between galaxies, the density of molecules (which are mostly single atoms) can be as low as
(a) Find the density in SI units of air at a pressure of 1.00 atm and a temperature of
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The air inside a hot-air balloon has a temperature of 370 K and a pressure of 101.3 kPa, the same as that of the air outside. Using the composition of air as
When an air bubble rises from the bottom to the top of a freshwater lake, its volume increases by
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7.9 m
(a) Use the ideal gas equation to estimate the temperature at which 1.00 kg of steam (molar mass
One process for decaffeinating coffee uses carbon dioxide
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a. supercritical fluid; b.
On a winter day when the air temperature is
On a warm day when the air temperature is
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(a) People often think of humid air as “heavy.” Compare the densities of air with
The mean free path for helium at a certain temperature and pressure is
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The mean free path for methane at a temperature of 269 K and a pressure of
In the chapter on fluid mechanics, Bernoulli’s equation for the flow of incompressible fluids was explained in terms of changes affecting a small volume dV of fluid. Such volumes are a fundamental idea in the study of the flow of compressible fluids such as gases as well. For the equations of hydrodynamics to apply, the mean free path must be much less than the linear size of such a volume,
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8.2 mm
Find the total number of collisions between molecules in 1.00 s in 1.00 L of nitrogen gas at standard temperature and pressure (
(a) Estimate the specific heat capacity of sodium from the Law of Dulong and Petit. The molar mass of sodium is 23.0 g/mol. (b) What is the percent error of your estimate from the known value,
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A sealed, perfectly insulated container contains 0.630 mol of air at
Find the ratio
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Unreasonable results. (a) Find the temperature of 0.360 kg of water, modeled as an ideal gas, at a pressure of
Unreasonable results. (a) Find the average speed of hydrogen sulfide,
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a. 411 m/s; b. According to Table 2.3, the
Challenge Problems
An airtight dispenser for drinking water is
Eight bumper cars, each with a mass of 322 kg, are running in a room 21.0 m long and 13.0 m wide. They have no drivers, so they just bounce around on their own. The rms speed of the cars is 2.50 m/s. Repeating the arguments of Pressure, Temperature, and RMS Speed, find the average force per unit length (analogous to pressure) that the cars exert on the walls.
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29.5 N/m
Verify that
Verify the normalization equation
to find the numerical factor and verify the normalization.
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Verify that
Verify that
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Making the scaling transformation as in the previous problems, we find that
As in the previous problem, we integrate by parts:
Again, the first term is 0, and we were given in an earlier problem that the integral in the second term equals
Taking the square root of both sides gives the desired result:
- Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
- function that can be integrated to give the probability of finding ideal gas molecules with speeds in the range between the limits of integration
- most probable speed
- speed near which the speeds of most molecules are found, the peak of the speed distribution function
- peak speed
- same as “most probable speed”
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Distribution of Molecular Speeds. Authored by: OpenStax College. Located at: License: CC BY: Attribution. License Terms: Download for free at