
Chapter 12: Cotton is King: The Antebellum South, 1800–1860

Review Questions

1. Which of the following was not one of the effects of the cotton boom?

  1. U.S. trade increased with France and Spain.
  2. Northern manufacturing expanded.
  3. The need for slave labor grew.
  4. Port cities like New Orleans expanded.
2. The abolition of the foreign slave trade in 1807 led to _______.

  1. a dramatic decrease in the price and demand for enslaved people
  2. the rise of a thriving domestic slave trade
  3. a reform movement calling for the complete end to slavery in the United States
  4. the decline of cotton production
3. Why did some southerners believe their region was immune to the effects of the market revolution? Why was this thinking misguided?
4. Under the law in the antebellum South, enslaved people were ________.

  1. servants
  2. animals
  3. property
  4. indentures
5. How did both slaveholders and enslaved people use the concept of paternalism to their advantage?
6. The largest group of Whites in the South _______.

  1. enslaved no one
  2. enslaved between one and nine people each
  3. enslaved between ten and ninety-nine people each
  4. enslaved over one hundred people each
7. John C. Calhoun argued for greater rights for southerners with which idea?

  1. polygenism
  2. nullification
  3. concurrent majority
  4. paternalism
8. How did defenders of slavery use the concept of paternalism to structure their ideas?
9. Why did southern expansionists conduct filibuster expeditions?

  1. to gain political advantage
  2. to annex new slave states
  3. to prove they could raise an army
  4. to map unknown territories
10. The controversy at the heart of the Ostend Manifesto centered on the fate of:

  1. Ostend, Belgium
  2. Nicaragua
  3. Cuba
  4. Louisiana
11. Why did expansionists set their sights on the annexation of Spanish Cuba?


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