
Part 4: SE17 Executive Committee Meeting and Business Meeting

October 14: 17:30-19:00: SE17 Executive Committee Meeting

October 14: 17:30-19:00: SE17 Executive Committee Meeting

This is the private annual meeting for the members of the SE17 executive committee only.


Please check our Governance page for officers’ contact forms: https://earlymodernfrance.org/governance


Francis Assaf
Department of Romance Languages
University of Georgia


Anne Duprat
Université de Picardie-Jules Verne / Institut Universitaire de France
Charlotte Trinquet du Lys
University of Central Florida

Past President

Carrie Klaus
Department of Global Languages Studies
DePauw University

Executive Director

Katherine Dauge-Roth
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Bowdoin College


Deborah Steinberger
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
University of Delaware


Stella Spriet
Department of Languages and Literature and Cultural Studies
University of Saskatchewan

Communications Officer

Emma Gauthier-Mamaril
Département des littératures de langue française
Université de Montréal

Cahiers Editor

Jean-Vincent Blanchard
Department of French and Francophone Studies
Swarthmore College

Website Co-Editors

Kathrina LaPorta
Department of French Literature, Thought & Culture
New York University
Christophe Schuwey
Department of French
Yale University


Bertrand Landry
Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures
University of Mount Union

Prize Committee Chair

Abby Zanger
Independent Scholar

SE17 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force

Jennifer Row: Chair
Therese Banks,  Valentine Balguerie, Twyla Meding, Ashley Williard, Abby Zanger: Members


Edwige Keller-Rahbé (term 01/2019 to 12/2021)
Faculté des Lettres, Sciences du Langage et Arts
Université Lumière Lyon 2


Geoffrey Turnovsky (term 01/2019 to 12/2021)
Department of French and Italian Studies
University of Washington


Heather Kirk (term 01/2020 to 12/2022)
Department of French Literatures and Cultures
Brescia University College


Anna Rosensweig (term 01/2020 to 12/2022)
Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
University of Rochester


Therese Banks (term 01/2021 to 12/2023)
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
Harvard University


Toby Erik Wikström (term 01/2021 to 12/2023)
Graduate School
University of Iceland

Meeting Link

Note: This link was removed post-conference.

ARTICLE IX: Definitions and Responsibilities of Members of the Board of Directors and Officers:

  1. The Founder originally founded the Society in 1982 on the campus of the University of Georgia; as long as he is able, he will continue to assist any other members of the Board of Directors with advice as needed, and participate in the deliberations of the Board of Directors at the Annual Conference.
  2. The current President is elected by the Board of Directors and organizes and chairs the current Annual Conference.
  3. The past President, who organized and hosted the previous year’s Annual Conference, assists the current President with conference organization.
  4. The Executive Director leads and represents the Society, chairs the Board of Directors, carries out the normal business of SE17, maintains the membership database and administrative sections of the website, communicates with the membership, and assists the current President and the rest of the Board of Directors as needed.
  5. The Secretary takes and prepares the minutes, maintains and updates the by-laws, assists the Executive Director with the preparation of meeting agendas and annual reports, the election of officers, and SE17 correspondence, and assists the current President, and the rest of the Board of Directors as needed.
  6. The Treasurer collects membership dues, records dues payments, makes payments to vendors hired by SE17, manages the funds, prepares the annual financial report, and assists the current President and the rest of the Board of Directors as needed.
  7. The Editor edits and publishes the Society’s journal: Cahiers du dix-septième: An Interdisciplinary Journal and carries out other duties consistent with this function.
  8. The Website Editor publishes and maintains the joint SE17-NASSCFL Website, with the exception of the administrative and the Cahiers du dix-septième:An Interdisciplinary Journalsections.
  9. The Awards Committee Chair, leads the Prize Committee in gathering, reviewing, and awarding prizes to annual submissions.
  10. The Bibliographer compiles a list of the members’ current research and publications, publishes articles highlighting members’ accomplishments, and assists members in publicizing their own work on the SE17 website.
  11. The Communications Officer promotes the Society, its website, and the Cahiers du dix-septième: An Interdisciplinary Journal to its membership and beyond, communicates with other scholarly societies, and assists current President and the rest of Board of Directors as needed.
  12. The members-at-large are elected by the members of SE17. They assist and advise the other members of the Board of Directors as needed, or by conveying to them requests from the general membership.


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The Grand Siècle in Movement: Negotiations, Circulations, Dynamics Copyright © 2021 by Charlotte Trinquet du Lys and Anne Duprat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.