Scholarly Venues

Barry Mauer and John Venecek

We discuss the following topics on this page:


Sharing research with other scholars is the most valued activity any researcher can do in their career. UCF provides venues where student researchers can share their work. The wider world also awaits your research, and the various CFP lists provide thousands of opportunities for you to gain the professional experience of showcasing your research and sharing it with other scholars!

Showcase of Undergraduate Research

The Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence (SURE) is a poster forum for UCF undergraduates to present their research and creative projects to the broader university community. Undergraduates from all disciplines are encouraged to present current or recently completed academic projects showcasing the diversity of topics, approaches, and interests at UCF. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your work among the best undergraduate researchers at UCF. You can showcase your research in a poster session first, then as an article for the Pegasus Review.

The Pegasus Review

Even as an undergrad, publishing your research is a real opportunity and is especially worth considering if you’re planning to go to grad school. The Pegasus Review is UCF’s journal of undergraduate research and they’re always on the lookout for high-quality student work, especially from the humanities. If you’re interested in publishing your research, consult their submissions guidelines and review their archive of back issues.

Publishing and Conferences

Humanities venues are always looking for new research, and students can start their careers through these avenues. You can find CFPs (Calls For Papers) in the following:


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Scholarly Venues Copyright © 2021 by Barry Mauer and John Venecek is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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