

Overview | Objectives | Resources | Events


The first steps in the systematic instructional design process are to (a) either define a goal statement or verify the accuracy and appropriateness of a goal statement given to you by your client; and (b) analyze the goal and identify key components of the goal.

If the goal is unclear, subsequent planning can become unclear and ineffective, and learners may have difficulties discerning the overall purpose of the instruction. It is also important to determine what your target learners must know and be able to perform the goal. The goal analysis process will ensure that you have determined the major steps necessary to complete your goal and that you account for these steps in your instruction.

Dick, Carey and Carey (2022) suggests that an instructional goal statement may be derived from a list of goals, from a front-end analysis, from practical experience from someone else who is already delivering instruction, or from other requirements for new instruction.

For the this course, we will start with the assumption that your client has already completed some form of front-end analysis and has either identified requirements for new instruction or has identified a need to totally revamp an existing course or training program. Either way, you and your team will start the systematic design process by formulating a goal statement and analyzing the goal as the foundation for your course project.



Terminal Objective. Given a goal statement, generate a goal analysis diagram that identifies the major components of the goal by conducting a goal analysis.

Enabling Objectives. Given an instructional situation, you should be able to:

  • distinguish approaches for identifying instructional goals;
  • generate a measurable goal statement;
  • recognize key components of a goal statement;
  • classify learning outcomes;
  • clarify fuzzy goal statements;
  • recognize the purposes of conducting a goal analysis;
  • distinguish approaches for analyzing a goal; and
  • analyze goal and generate identifying major components of a goal.


Required Resources

To complete this unit, you will need access to subject matter expertise (SME) for your own instructional design project. Specifically, you must either have access to, or at least one member of your team should be an expert on your selected subject matter and have experience teaching the content information.


Recommended Instructional Events

  1. Watch the Goal Analysis Introduction [1 min 39 sec]; then watch demonstrations of the six goal analyses linked in the table (below).

    Table 1. Demonstrations of 3 different types of Goal Analyses

    Goal Analysis Techniques Content Oriented Step Wise Whole Task
    Literature Search Literature – Content Analysis Literature – Step Wise Analysis Literature – Whole Task Analysis
    Health Screening Screening – Content Analysis Screening – Step Wise Analysis Screening – Whole Task Analysis

    Click on an active link to watch the video. 

  2. Read Dick, Carey and Carey (2022) Chapter 2 Identifying Instructional Goals Using Front-End Analysis, AND Chapter 3 Conducting a Goal Analysis. I encourage you to follow the case study provided in the book.
  3. Complete the practice items provided at the end of Chapters 2 and 3 using feedback given at the end of each chapter to check your own work.
  4. Read Unit 1.0 – Goal Analysis Supplement.
  5. Complete optional Quiz 1 to self-assess and help monitor your own acquisition of key concepts .
  6. Generate and post individual drafts of content, stepwise, and whole task goal analyses for team project.
  7. Work with team members to review individual drafts and prepare goal analysis for A01 Team Analysis Report.


Last Updated 08/19/23


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