Chapter 2 The Kinetic Theory of Gases
2.3 Heat Capacity and Equipartition of Energy
OpenStax and Paula Herrera-Siklody
Learning Objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
- Solve problems involving heat transfer to and from ideal monatomic gases whose volumes are held constant
- Solve similar problems for non-monatomic ideal gases based on the number of degrees of freedom of a molecule
- Estimate the heat capacities of metals using a model based on degrees of freedom
In the chapter on temperature and heat, we defined the specific heat capacity with the equation
Heat Capacity of an Ideal Monatomic Gas at Constant Volume
We define the molar heat capacity at constant volume
This is often expressed in the form
If the volume does not change, there is no overall displacement, so no work is done, and the only change in internal energy is due to the heat flow
It is independent of temperature, which justifies our use of finite differences instead of a derivative. This formula agrees well with experimental results.
In the next chapter we discuss the molar specific heat at constant pressure
Example 2.8
Calculating Temperature
A sample of 0.125 kg of xenon is contained in a rigid metal cylinder, big enough that the xenon can be modeled as an ideal gas, at a temperature of
- Identify the knowns: We know the initial temperature
is , the heat Q is 180 J, and the mass m of the xenon is 0.125 kg. - Identify the unknown. We need the final temperature, so we’ll need
. - Determine which equations are needed. Because xenon gas is monatomic, we can use
. Then we need the number of moles, . - Substitute the known values into the equations and solve for the unknowns.
The molar mass of xenon is 131.3 g, so we obtain
Therefore, the final temperature is 35.2°C. The problem could equally well be solved in kelvin; as a kelvin is the same size as a degree Celsius of temperature change, you would get
The heating of an ideal or almost ideal gas at constant volume is important in car engines and many other practical systems.
Check Your Understanding 2.6
Suppose 2 moles of helium gas at 200 K are mixed with 2 moles of krypton gas at 400 K in a calorimeter. What is the final temperature?
We would like to generalize our results to ideal gases with more than one atom per molecule. In such systems, the molecules can have other forms of energy beside translational kinetic energy, such as rotational kinetic energy and vibrational kinetic and potential energies. We will see that a simple rule lets us determine the average energies present in these forms and solve problems in much the same way as we have for monatomic gases.
Degrees of Freedom
In the previous section, we found that
The branch of physics called statistical mechanics tells us, and experiment confirms, that
Equipartition Theorem
The energy of a thermodynamic system in equilibrium is partitioned equally among its degrees of freedom. Accordingly, the molar heat capacity of an ideal gas is proportional to its number of degrees of freedom, d:
This result is due to the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell (1831−1871), whose name will appear several more times in this book.
For example, consider a diatomic ideal gas (a good model for nitrogen,
We might expect that for a diatomic gas, we should use 7 as the number of degrees of freedom; classically, if the molecules of a gas had only translational kinetic energy, collisions between molecules would soon make them rotate and vibrate. However, as explained in the previous module, quantum mechanics controls which degrees of freedom are active. The result is shown in Figure 2.13. Both rotational and vibrational energies are limited to discrete values. For temperatures below about 60 K, the energies of hydrogen molecules are too low for a collision to bring the rotational state or vibrational state of a molecule from the lowest energy to the second lowest, so the only form of energy is translational kinetic energy, and

Polyatomic molecules typically have one additional rotational degree of freedom at room temperature, since they have comparable moments of inertia around any axis. Thus, at room temperature, they have
As shown in Table 2.3, the results agree well with experiments for many monatomic and diatomic gases, but the agreement for triatomic gases is only fair. The differences arise from interactions that we have ignored between and within molecules.
Gas | |
Ar | 1.50 |
He | 1.50 |
Ne | 1.50 |
CO | 2.50 |
2.47 | |
2.50 | |
2.53 | |
2.8 | |
3.48 | |
3.13 | |
3.66 |
What about internal energy for diatomic and polyatomic gases? For such gases,
Molar Heat Capacity of Solid Elements
The idea of equipartition leads to an estimate of the molar heat capacity of solid elements at ordinary temperatures. We can model the atoms of a solid as attached to neighboring atoms by springs (Figure 2.14).

Analogously to the discussion of vibration in the previous module, each atom has six degrees of freedom: one kinetic and one potential for each of the x-, y-, and z-directions. Accordingly, the molar specific heat of a metal should be 3R. This result, known as the Law of Dulong and Petit, works fairly well experimentally at room temperature. (For every element, it fails at low temperatures for quantum-mechanical reasons. Since quantum effects are particularly important for low-mass particles, the Law of Dulong and Petit already fails at room temperature for some light elements, such as beryllium and carbon. It also fails for some heavier elements for various reasons beyond what we can cover.)
Problem-Solving Strategy: Heat Capacity and Equipartition
The strategy for solving these problems is the same as the one in Phase Changes for the effects of heat transfer. The only new feature is that you should determine whether the case just presented—ideal gases at constant volume—applies to the problem. (For solid elements, looking up the specific heat capacity is generally better than estimating it from the Law of Dulong and Petit.) In the case of an ideal gas, determine the number d of degrees of freedom from the number of atoms in the gas molecule and use it to calculate
Example 2.9
Calculating Temperature: Calorimetry with an Ideal Gas
A 300-g piece of solid gallium (a metal used in semiconductor devices) at its melting point of only
We’ll use the equation
- Set up the equation:
- Substitute the known values and solve:
We solve to find that the heat of fusion of gallium is 80.2 kJ/kg.
Media Attributions
- Figure 2.13
- Figure 2.14