My Service Learning Journal

My Service Learning Journal


Dayron Rojas


Consciousness of Self

Strength: We have established systems dedicated to soliciting feedback. This feedback is consistently met with open-mindedness and optimism, as its underlying intention is to enhance the organization’s effectiveness.

Weakness: Despite having these systems in place, feedback implementation has sometimes been delayed. This delay has been attributed, in part, to past staffing shortages. However, even with a full team in place, the impact of feedback on effecting change has not been as evident. Additionally, there has been a lack of transparency regarding how feedback is addressed behind the scenes.


Strength: The co-founders curated our values, mission, and vision statements when the organization was established, ensuring that our commitment to the cause was a collective endeavor rather than an individual imposition.

Weakness: While crafting our organizational ethos, all founding members were committed to the cause, even though it was unpaid work. However, as we hire new staff, not all share the same level of dedication; some are motivated primarily by monetary compensation rather than the intrinsic value of the work itself.


Strength: During our seasonal activities, we prioritize practicing concise pitches for voter registration drives in classrooms. We encourage our fellows to reflect on their personal motivations for engaging in this work and articulate them effectively to their peers.

Weakness: Due to the youth of many of our members, particularly high school students, articulating strong and compelling reasons for their involvement can be challenging.


Strength: Our organization operates with state chapters led by Regional Organizers and co-led by Community Organizers, fostering effective collaboration and feedback loops. At the national level, decisions are made by majority vote, with breakout discussions.

Weakness: While Regional Organizers are tasked with leadership and supervision, they were not necessarily hired for their management skills, leading to issues with Community Organizer and fellow retention.

Common Purpose

Strength: Our shared purpose was collectively established at the organization’s inception, ensuring a sense of ownership and commitment among all members.

Weakness: While our shared purpose was established early on, it has not been revisited to incorporate the perspectives of new hires.

Controversy with Civility

Strength: Within our team, we prioritize respectful communication, fostering an environment where constructive dialogue is encouraged.

Weakness: Working with high schoolers who are still developing their professional and interpersonal skills can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or inappropriate interactions.


Strength: Our seasonal actions, including community building, democracy teachings, and voter registration, promote active citizenship and community engagement.

Weakness: Due to limited political education among high schoolers, they may lack confidence in conducting voter registration drives among their peers.


Strength: Our organizational systems facilitate skill development in areas such as public speaking, teamwork, and project planning for both fellows and organizers.

Weakness: The motivation for change is heavily dependent on facilitators, and low morale among fellows and organizers can hinder progress.

Overall, despite the inevitable challenges faced by a young organization, we have made significant strides in our mission. While there have been missteps and areas for improvement, our commitment to retention, financial stability, and adaptive systems has ensured our continued impact, even amidst unseen challenges.


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