
My Career Ready Portfolio

Where I am headed? My Career Compass Reflection

My Focus 2 Career Assessment displays 20 occupations which appear in 3 of the assessments I completed, all of which correlate with either engineering, medicine, or analytics. These all correlate with offered majors at UCF and mostly align with my values, personality, and skills, rather than work and leisure. Fourteen of the occupations fall under the job family of Architecture and Engineering, and the rest are evenly dispersed between Healthcare and Management. The occupations that appear in 2 of the assessments I completed highly correlate with healthcare and engineering as well.

In the Work Interest assessment, my Holland code was SIR, Social (the helpers), Investigative (the thinkers), and Realistic (the doers). These assessments pretty accurately capture my essence and the things I value and aim to emulate. I am a people person first, fueled by community and learning about other people. Then, I pretty much equally value problem solving and getting things done. All three of these things make sense for a career in medicine, because I will have to interact with patients and diagnose them.

In my Leisure Interest assessment, my top three interests were Inquiring (the thinkers), Sharing (the helpers), and Reality (doers). These decently accurately described my interests, although I would not put such interest in Inquiring first. However, on a career standpoint, this does make sense, all three correspond to medicine, as dealing with patients, medications, and procedures requires these interests.

As a heavily STEM focused student, these results make a lot of sense. I plan to pursue medicine, hopefully as a physician, although I am not specifically sure what I would like to specialize in yet. Many different medical specialties appear in my occupation assessment, which makes sense (and is quite helpful for finding new shadowing opportunities). I also somewhat agree with the engineering occupations, as I do find math and deduction quite interesting, even though it is not the route I wanted to pursue. The manager role occupations I could see myself fulfilling, although they aren’t my first choice. Any lawyer, business, or finance career I completely disagree with. I am not well versed in business and financial knowledge and I have no desire to pursue a career in such.

The three values that matter most to me are values, personality, and skills on a personal level. When rerunning the pdf with just these three aspects, the report returns quite similar results, with many engineering and medical professions appearing in the top assessments.

When looking at other personality tests that I have taken, I feel as though the Focus 2 Career assessment pretty accurately lines up with them. My Myers Briggs Personality type is ENFJ, which is nicknamed either the Protagonist or Mentor, which aligns with being the helpers in leisure and work assessment. It also works well with my true color of green and my strengths of relator, achiever, and learner. Overall, my Focus 2 Career assessment pretty accurately evaluates my professional and personal values.


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My Career Ready Portfolio: Ria Gupta Copyright © 2024 by Virginia A. Koch, PhD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.