My Service Learning Journal

Throughout my days of service I have contributed a lot to creating an easy and accurate map for others to use. I plan to make a difference by mapping when I can and seeing the layout of different parts of the world. This has a direct relationship to the areas of strength and opportunities for growth in each of the seven C’s. Beginning with consciousness of self, it has changed my perception about myself and the people around me and my community. Volunteering with an online mapping organization showed me the importance geography and disaster events can have on people and their community. It allowed me to see that there are things that affect humanity as a whole and we have to work together to fix it. The next C is congruence, A lot of the disaster responses that I’ve dealt with had the same effect on different areas of the world. Lots of roads and buildings became unmapped and people were unsure of how to get from one destination to another. Even though these disaster events can happen in different countries they have a relation to each other. The next C is commitment, by continuously volunteering at the service site it has showed me that the more you learn to map buildings and roads the easier it is. The next C is a common purpose, The common purpose of this volunteering site is to create an easy and accurate map for others to use. The next C is controversy, the thing that surprised me about my volunteer site was how it all worked; I didn’t know how intricate mapping was but also as the more I did it I got the hang of it. At first, I struggled on how to align the buildings correctly and how to label the land but the more I did it the easier it got. The next C is civility, the more I volunteered here the more I learned how terrible it is when disaster happens as many people’s houses and businesses get destroyed, this helped me be more empathetic towards people. The last C is citizenship, by volunteering at an American cross organization it allows me to not only help people in America but to help people in other countries who have suffered from disasters. The three big takeaways about my organization’s leadership is that the more organized this organization is the more successful they will be. For example my organization has a common goal of creating an easy and accessible map for those around the world and this is what their site aims to do. Another big take away is the fact that we are able to make an impact not only for the community we live in but for communities all across the world and even though that we are located in one place it doesn’t mean we have to only do service in that one place, though we can expand our skills into countries that don’t have access to a lot of the things that we have access to. The last big take away is I was able to gain a deeper understanding of not only my community but other communities all around the world. I realized that everyone deals with disasters and it’s important for people to map these roads that may have changed in buildings that may have been destroyed to help communities around the world. Volunteering is intrinsically beneficial as it makes you feel good about yourself since you are doing something for the community and can help support your career goals and make connections.


Insight: Leadership can help one create a positive influence in the world


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My Service Learning Journal Copyright © 2024 by Virginia A. Koch, PhD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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