
My Career Ready Portfolio

How to write your leadership philosophy

Building on the reflection you did to complete your Leadership Vision Board, now is the time to develop your personal leadership philosophy, as it stands today. Keep in mind that this will be a living document that you can return to throughout your life and career and tweak as you enter different seasons of life. Do not use ChatGPT or other AI platforms to write your philosophy statement. 

  • I am Jeremy Colon, a hispanic male who has become a very active student leader at UCF. I am in nursing school currently working on completing my major. I have already got a minor in psychology which has helped me a lot on my path. I personally use my own actions as a leadership style. For me what works best is showing others how to do something. I know that I can’t have any high expectations of people so I do the work right alongside the others I am with. Not only does it truly allow for great collaboration but also allows us all to connect on levels that not most do. That is why I choose to work and collaborate with others on the same level. I am motivated by seeing others show how proactive they are to either help or learn. There is always someone who shows the skills and traits and it always motivates me. I expect to graduate by summer 2025 with a nursing degree. From others I expect what most may expect such as a great support system and also able to work efficiently together. Success is when a team succeeds and that includes everyone not just the goal the team set out for but rather the success of each individual member. From LEAD other than learning how integrate the 7 Cs of the social change into my leading I learned a lot about how to even be a great leader. I found out my style and how I connect with people to promote productivity. It isn’t stressed enough how much LEAD has given us to truly learn the basics and advanced topics of great leadership.


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My Career Ready Portfolio Copyright © 2024 by Virginia A. Koch, PhD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


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