My Career Ready Portfolio

My Personal Leadership Philosophy

Leadership Philosophy

I am more of a quiet person, but I realize that the one thing that I can’t live without is having my ideas and passion be spreading throughout the mediums I love like art and animation. What’s unique about me is that when I find something that I find interesting, I will go deep into it to the point of obsession.

My leadership style focuses on working with people in a collaborative sense. Everyone has ideas that are worth sharing, and if anything jumps out at me, then I want to take full advantage of it, and use it with the project. However, I do want to make sure to over utilize this method, so there will be times where I have to set my foot down, and not use an idea. If someone is wanting to give feedback to me then I am one who will listen. I don’t want to act like I’m the perfect person and so if I need to improve then I will be able to change my perspective.

The main core of my motivation is mainly the passion I have for works of animation, and being able to tell a story. I always looked at the shows that will always be emerging on networks like Nickelodeon, and would just be astonished by the amount of love and craft it took to make such visual masterpieces. I want to be on par with all those works, and so I want a team of people who can share the same passion as me, and be willing to work for the animation projects that I set out for.

The expectations I have for myself is someone who will stick by their ideals, and always value hard work above everything else. I also need a group of people who share those similar ideals since most of my work is going to need those same values. I define success as something that is done quickly, but to be made in its most effective manner. The way for this is for good and constant supervision for my team’s work. This is a method for many animators and it’s one that is good to adopt.

From my personal leadership experiences from both the class discussions and LEAD Scholars Academy, I learned that a lot of people are willing to work in communities and help make it a better place. There are many people with similar ideas to me and their ways of leading are always different from one another and it adds to the overall uniqueness to the workplace, as well as the traits people add to create their own creative environment. There were also a lot of strategies that I learned like the 7 C’s which shaped my ideas.

The 7 C’s are what leaders use in order to get a better understanding of how to guide others and they all start with the letter C to simplify it better. To start off with the first C consciousness of self, this C allowed me to see my goals more clearly, and understand the method I go about it with my philosophy. Next, Congruence told me to find a group that aligns with my ideals for animation, and are able to accomplish this statement. Commitment gives the understanding that the project is one that needs to be done, and in the manner I was stating towards the top of the page. Common purpose gives myself and the group the goal that we were setting out to, and gives a better understanding of our collective motives. Controversy with civility makes it clear when I need to step in and put my foot down to one of my group mates. While being in unity is important, it’s also good to know when a group is being too pushy or not getting their work done, and so giving appropriate feedback to such is important. Collaboration is the most important piece for my leadership philosophy as you need a group of people in order to be a leader and if you do not collaborate, then the work will never be finished since everyone is on their separate agenda. Finally citizenship is something integral to me, due to me wanting to be a part of the project that the rest of my team is working on, and be more hands on with it.


Padmavati. (2023, October 4). Crafting an Impactful Leadership Philosophy: Guide & Examples. Northwest Executive Education.



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