H5P activities list

This book includes 603 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
32Early Psychology—Structuralism and Functionalism (Q3)Multiple Choice
34Early Psychology—Structuralism and Functionalism (Q4)Multiple Choice
35Cultural Factors and Therapy: Q1-Q3Question Set
36Cultural Factors and Therapy: FlashcardsDialog Cards
37Group Therapies: FlashcardsDialog Cards
38Group Therapies: Q1-Q2Question Set
59Other Types of Descriptive Research (Q1)Multiple Choice
60Other Types of Descriptive Research (Q2)Multiple Choice
61Other Types of Descriptive Research (Q3)Multiple Choice
62Other Types of Descriptive Research: Q4Essay
63Neurons (Q1)Multiple Choice
66Neurons (Q2)Multiple Choice
69*Needs Work* Correlational Research (Q5)Multiple Choice
70How Neurons Communicate (Q1)Multiple Choice
71*Needs Work* Correlational Research (Q6)Multiple Choice
72*Needs Work* Correlational Research (Q7)Multiple Choice
73How Neurons Communicate (Q2)Multiple Choice
74Correlational Research (Q8)Multiple Choice
78*Needs Work* Correlational Research (Q12)Multiple Choice
1 2 3 4 31