My Service Learning Journal
Journal 4: Organizational Analysis
What can Bolman & Deal's 4 Frames teach us?
Virginia Koch
Instructions: Use two of Bolman and Deals four frames or “lens” to explore the dynamics you have observed or experienced while serving at your nonprofit organization. For instance, how are operational issues or concerns over power, conflict, or leadership addressed by organizational leaders?

Bolman and Deal’s Political frame helped me to better understand the challenges our new Saint Vincent DePaul (SVDP) conference has faced over the past year of its start up. Despite tremendous support from key church staff members and regional chapters, some past members of the popular Outreach program were less than supportive of the new SVDP conference. Some former Outreach volunteers were upset that some of their favorite programs, that had been 20 to 30 year long traditions pre-COVID, would not find a home under the SVDP umbrella. For instance, the annual Christmas event was a favorite of many volunteers. Needy families were invited to a Christmas workshop full of toys and given plenty of items for every person in the family. Unfortunately, most supporters of this program did not see it for what it was, an example of toxic charity. Toxic charity is trying to address chronic ongoing issues through one-way giving (Lupton, 2011). The SVDP leaders did an excellent job of explaining why the Christmas event was fun for parishioners but not helpful to the people who needed assistance. By sunsetting this and other traditional programs that no longer served our community, SVDP leadership was able to diffuse some political landmines while engaging new members in the new mission.
Bolman and Deal’s Symbolic frame helps us to see how using the Vincentian model of helping others is more consistent with Christian call to help the poor. The Symbolic frame addresses people’s need for sense of purpose and meaning within an organization. The SVDP conference has a solid group of 30 involved members with about another 70 people on the roster. As parishioners start to learn about the fruits of the organization, they are becoming more supportive with financial and in-kind donations, referrals, and increased participation in activities.
Lupton, R. D. (2011). Toxic charity: how churches and charities hurt those they help (and how to reverse it). New York, NY, HarperOne.
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