My Service Learning Journal
Journal 1: Serving a Passion
Virginia Koch
Instructions: This Journal entry will focus on the reasons you have chosen to devote 40 hours of service to the non-profit organization you selected. In short, what is your “why”?
Describe your service organization including its mission, history, location(s), population(s) served, financial health, and other information you deem as important. The word limit range for this Journal entry is 350 and 450 words.
Also, list one insight related to this reflection in the textbox at the bottom of this chapter.
My Why:
I am a long-time convert to Catholicism and a new parishioner at Saint Stephen Catholic Community in Winter Springs, Florida. As a new member of the parish I was looking for a post-COVID way to meet new people and serve the community. In summer 2022, the Saint Vincent DePaul (SVDP) Conference was a new venture and new members were actively recruited. Parish leaders explained the shift to a SVDP conference would connect the parish to national resources and regional collaborations and replace a long-time parish Outreach program. I enjoy starting new projects and felt called to volunteer. After attending an orientation session, I offered to become an new officer in the organization. The SVDP president appointed me as the Spiritual Advisor for the SVDP conference. I am serving a three-year term (until June 2025).
I am passionate about volunteering with Saint Vincent DePaul because of its focus on helping the poor. Although Winter Springs is generally considered an affluent community, about 10% of its citizens lives below the poverty line. Many of the poor are elderly who find themselves recently widowed, raising their grandchildren, or facing financial difficulties due to health issues, inflation, or unfortunate life choices. We also serve the poor in the Seminole County area (i.e., over 33,000 children rely on free/reduced school lunches with an alarming 2,500 of them are homeless).
About the Saint Vincent DePaul Society

Our mission is to see Jesus Christ in the face of the poor. As part of a nationwide network of 4,500 conferences and councils across the U.S., our collaborations are able to respond to many community and individual needs thought programs such as disaster relief services, thrift stores, food pantries, housing programs, meal services, and financial assistance. As advocates for our friends in need, we always seek longer-term pathways out of poverty and towards the full flourishing of every person. The organization is supported by parishioner’s generous donations and our SVDP fundraising efforts.
My Insight