Samantha Peña – Portfolio Project
My chosen artist for the portfolio will be Edith Meusnier, and I will be using a CC BY license. This project is titled “Art Within Nature: Textile Art Hidden in Nature”
Preface: My name is Samantha Peña, and my chosen artist for my portfolio will be Edith Meusnier, and I will be using a CC BY license for this project.
Intro: The artist I am analyzing is Edith Meusnier, an environmental artist who places her work within nature, and uses materials that are recycled. The work of Meusnier provokes audiences and people to think about how humans interact and effect nature on a grand scale. The importance of taking care of the environment and taking care of nature in general has become a worldwide notion, which in many ways is expressed through art, specifically Edith Meusniers art being one of them.

Theme: The themes present within the art of Edith Meusnier intrigue audiences to the ideas of the constant evolution of the environment and the over-looked beauty of nature. Simply in the way that she shapes her artwork, Meusniers pieces have immense eye-catching qualities, both in the amount of vibrant colors used on an otherwise mellow space, and the vastness and intricacy of every project. In these qualities is that Meusnier is representing the ever-changing shape of nature and how it is always evolving and changing. With the installation of these art pieces within nature, it demonstrates the very fact that there is beauty in nature, and with the colorful installations highlights and draws attention to simple landscapes to draw attention to the nature behind the works. In the extravagant shapes and configurations which are unique in each piece, Meusnier highlights the constant changing notion of nature, and how no two pieces of land are the same, just in the way that no two pieces of Meusniers works are the same.

Analysis: The art of Edith Meusnier is a very unique display of art in the modern world. Not only is her art present in public places and within forests and nature, but also full of color and made of materials such as textiles and steel wires to create intricate effects and varying formations and shapes. The use of the vibrant colors within the works against the pale and muted background of nature and forests make it so the art stands out from the background. However analyzing the materials and context in which the art was made, produced, and placed, it also blends in with the meaning of nature. Nature is constantly changing and evolving taking different forms and creating unique sequences across the world, similarly to the works and creations of artist Edith Meusnier. Its intricate creations seek the attention onlookers and create an even balance between the environment and the artwork, so the attention is evenly divided to provoke thought about the relation between the art and nature.

on the river l’Huisne, La Ferté Bernard, France
Application: In choosing to publicly display art outside within nature, the work of Edith Meusnier puts into perspective how we as humans view nature and the ever-changing nature of it. Not only does Meusniers work add a visual element in nature to depict the essence of its beauty and its true uniqueness, but its a notion that in todays society art plays a large role in how we as humans see the world. Specifically art themed around the environment causes society to reflect on how we treat nature. By creating art meant to represent and create a voice for the environment and nature in general, shows how humans in society tend to neglect the care of the environment. It says that our society is aware of its mistakes towards the planet, and to heighten awareness tampers with nature to a further effect. These kinds of work demonstrate the effects of how the human society views and also treats nature.
Media Attributions
- Edith_Meusnier
- Edith_Meusnier,_Forêt_d’Halatte
- Edith-Meusnier-Artwork1