Antoine Holmes – Portfolio Project
Antoine Holmes
Pablo Amaringo: The Peruvian Amazonian

Preface: My name is Antoine Holmes Jr. The title of this project is “Pablo Amaringo: The Peruvian Amazonian.” I am using CC BY-NC-ND license for this project.
The artworks of Pablo Amaringo overtly display his fascination with nature and have inspired his audience to build a stronger relationship with nature. Throughout his body of work, Amaringo uses elements of nature and combines them either human or fantastical creature representations. He also uses many distinct colors in his paintings which give his art a dreamlike appearance.

In Amaringo’s art, the concept of subjective nature is one of the major themes. The artwork that Amaringo creates does not portray nature as a singular entity. It could be seen through the variety of color schemes and the creatures that Amaringo paints that he is showing different sides of nature. For example, the Llullon Llaki Supai Painting shows the beautiful, mystical side of nature through the green and blue color schemes and creatures such as mermaids and a water horse. It also shows the more dangerous side of nature through the faces in the fire and the snakes in the river. Another theme that centers around Amaringo’s art is the personification of nature. Amaringo usually gives environmental objects in his work human features, such as trees with human faces or human-like beings made of different elements. It could be Amaringo’s way of saying nature has emotions, and people should treat it like a living thing.

Pablo Amaringo was a Peruvian artist who originated art associated with Ayahuasca. Growing up, Amaringo had face multiple challenges. His family had fallen into poverty, and he had to work as a curandero to support his family. He was also extremely ill and had to rely on Amazonian plants as medicine. Being curandero led him to discover a plant-based psychedelic called Ayahuasca which alters a person’s mindset when drunk. After drinking the Ayahuasca, he gained inspiration to create art which involves the relationship between humans and nature. In 1988, Amaringo founded the Usko Ayar Amazonian School of Painting where he taught his students artistic techniques and preserving the knowledge of the Amazon. Passing down his ideals to younger generations after he tragically passed away in 2009.
Understanding the society around Pablo Amaringo’s art is especially important because it helps to unify the connection that people have with nature and encourage them to appreciate nature more. If Amaringo hadn’t experienced the Amazonian plants, such as the Ayahuasca, he would not have been able to truly grasp the importance that nature has on society. Amaringo’s way of expressing this is very distinctive because it’s not only visually intriguing and unique, but also shows versatility in the perspective and interpretation of the messages behind his artworks. Making Pablo Amaringo the true Peruvian Amazonian.
Media Attributions
- Hanna_jon_2002_amaringo_pablo
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