Alyssa Piedra
My name is Alyssa Piedra and the title of my work is, “Pablo Amaringo: Portfolio Project.” I am using CC BY-NC-ND license for this project.
The work of Pablo Amaringo is mainly known for its bright colors and human or mythical creatures. Amaringo, a Peruvian artist, began recreating the visions he encountered when drinking Ayahuasca. Pablo’s work encourages people to have a deeper spiritual connection with nature.

One significant theme in Amaringo’s work is the connection between man and nature. Through the personification of nature, he reminds people of our roots and where we came from. Amaringo encourages people to connect with nature because this is where we came from and where we will end up when our time comes. We are one with nature. Furthermore, Amaringo inspires us through his art to “think outside the box,” and to have an open mind in all aspects of life. He encourages us to not only to believe what is right in front of us but to believe what is not there, such as the spirits in nature.
Espíritus de los Renacos,Espíritus de los Renacos,

Pablo Amaringo was a Peruvian shaman, who later became an artist. His paintings encapsulate his experience when taking Ayahuasca. Through Amaringo’s art he was able to express the spiritual relationship and connection between man and nature. Later in life after he was discovered by the McKenna brothers, who helped him gain his fame. Due to his international success, he was able to found the Usko Ayar Amazonian School of Painting where he taught his ways and the importance of preserving nature.
It is essential to have an understanding of Amaringo’s background and culture to appreciate the beauty behind his work. Through his unique art, Pablo stresses the importance of the spiritual relationship and connection between man and nature.