
Nils Udo The Naturistic Perspective


My name is Hannah Pruszinske and my portfolio is titled “The Naturistic Perspective”. This project is licensed as a CC BY-SA.

File:Nils-Udo (1993).jpg - Wikimedia Commons
“File:Nils-Udo (1993).jpg” by Claude Lebus is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.


Nils Udo is a German artist born in the 1930s . In the early stages of his career, he worked primarily as a painter and graphic artist. Starting in the early 1960s  he moved away from traditional artwork and used his talents to create art in natural environments. he began to experiment more with his approach to art moving away from the traditional two-dimensional mediums and instead began creating installations in natural landscapes. Some of the factors that influenced this shift in art were a connection with nature, expanded possibilities, new experiences, and environmental consciousness. One of his most notable works of art began in the 1970s. These pieces featured nests constructed from natural materials such as leaves and twigs which were placed within natural settings such as forests.

Two main themes the portfolio will address from Nils Udo’s artwork as depicted above are the cycle of life and renewal. This portfolio will also be about drawing connections between human and natural history to specific environments. Other topics the portfolio will touch on include harmonious balance, environmental awareness, transience, and impermanence. The work of Nils Udo is known for its site-specific installations and environmental art. He’s gained great recognition for creating multiple large-scale interventions in different natural landscapes around the world. His interventions consist of using the surrounding environment as his medium.

Connection to mother nature

“Nils Udo 4” by mareo_diaz is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

The image above symbolizes one of Nils Udo’s recurring themes throughout many of his installations. The concept of nests and babies correlates to mother nature. In this piece the large nest made out of nest like structures like branches and and leaves symbolize nurturing and protective quality of nature. This idea represents the concept of Mother Nature as a caretaker and we people as those she is caring for. The nest symbolized a connection to nature and emphasized themes of the cycle of life, birth, and growth.  This type of installation symbolized birth, vulnerability, interconnectedness, and transformation. The picture also depicts the importance of mother nature in the growth and transformation of life.


Site Specificity

“File:Rothaargebirge Skulptur01.jpg” by Markus Schweiss is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.


Nils Udo’s installations are intimately tied to specific locations where they are created. Udo takes many factors into account when creating these unique installations. Some of these factors include, landscape, elevation, soil type, topography, and flora. The installation above is found along the Rothaar Path which is a 154 km-long trail through the heights of Germany. It was aimed to create a sense of harmony and unity between human beings and nature. One of his goals is to blur the boundaries between art and the natural world. Udo encourages viewers to engage and become more intimate with the world around them.


Regeneration and Renewal

“EarthArt by Nils-Udo” by TheWarners is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


Many of Nils Udo’s green installation reflect concepts of regeneration and renewal through the use of living materials that are transformative. The installation pictured above is a great example of one of his living landscapes that has evolved over time. The installation incorporated mosses, trees, and stones. The growth represented in this installation in particular symbolized the natural cycle regeneration and renewal. It’s also a great representation of seasonal transformations. Throughout the different seasons the installation embraces different transformations which is also a metaphor for renewal.


Impact on Today’s society

The work Nils Udo has done has had great impacts on modern society in several ways. To start, his work highlights environmental awareness. Udo’s installations often emphasize the beauty and fragility of the world we live in. The art he creates encourages viewers to appreciate and care for the environment more and create a deeper connection with it. Another way Nils Udo has effected society is by evoking a sense of tranquility and contemplation in society. The installations found in the natural world gives people a place to pause, reflect, and engage in their world. We live in a very fast-paced and digitally connected society that often neglects the importance of what our world has to offer us. Udo’s art encourages people to take a step back from the modern society and take on a new perspective of their lives. Finally, the creative work Udo has done challenges traditional style and notions of art that have been accepted throughout ages. He invites a broader audience to engage and learn about art outside of the traditional art spaces.

Media Attributions

  • Rothaargebirge_Skulptur01
  • 2873140359_91854579d5_b


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Health and Environmental Humanities Artistic Expression Portfolio Copyright © by The Students of HUM2020 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.