Being a Low Income High School Student
Victoria Oppel
My participant’s name is Ruby, she is a 17-year-old high school student, and she is my younger sister. Ruby has provided a statement that she freely consents to share her photos and written statements with me about her perspectives on her daily environment and the issues she faces as a high school student from a low-income household.
“My school does not have a gym for all students and my single mother cannot afford to buy me a monthy gym membership. So, I use the public park gym, but it is not very big and there are no weights. I wish there was more resources put into this outdoor public gym.”

“Everyday when I walk to school, I am reminded of the cost of owning a car, and that I will not be able to afford one for a long time. I am also reminded of the cost of reserving a student parking spot for two semesters. It costs $100 to reserve a spot at my school. Even if I had a car, I could not afford a spot.”

“I enjoy the spring semester at my high school because it is water polo season. I am able to exercise and make friends for free. It is a burden lifted off my shoulders not to have to worry about finances to workout and be around friends.”

I can tell from the images Ruby took and the statements she provided that she is facing the hardships of living in a high income community and being from a low-income household. Ruby has found no-cost spaces in her community such as the public pool and park gym and taken full advantage of them. This is similar to how the people of California use the Santa Cruz community garden and the Murals of San Diego Park as a safe place to gather with their community and even obtain free resources. Even though Ruby comes from a low-income household, she is still able to have some spaces she can enter without having to worry about finances.
Media Attributions
- gym
- parking
- pool