Pollution in North

The world we live in today obviously isn’t as beautiful as it once was. However, it’s not all that bad. My mother, Maribeth (47)(female), took three pictures that she thought represented the beauty of it in small ways. We live up north so it’s interesting to see the comparison between there and a city in Florida.


“I snapped this photo while traveling home on an empty road. I enjoy thinking about the clean, fresh air in this photo as I look at it. After that, I rolled down the windows to allow the coolness to touch me. The wind seemed fresh even though it appears hot and is gloomy outside. It might trick you at first, but anything like this is far nicer when there is no pollution.”

My mother and I always liked driving on empty roads such as this one. I believe her significance with this picture is that the state of the road is in good condition overall giving it a more appealing effect. A time when this was prevalent was during the Covid-19 lockdown, when the air naturally was a lot fresher since no one was going outside. No cars on the road to emit carbon monoxide into the air.



“I feel like this photo kind of speaks for itself. A lovely picture is created by the flowers over the kitchen sink with the sun peeking through during a cooler month. When combined, these depict a favorable atmosphere. It appears tidy and serene.”

My mother started keeping flowers indoors by the window during Covid. I think this is a great depiction of how some things seem better leaving nature as it is. She stopped planting them outdoors and now we have naturally grown plants instead. I think she wants to represent the fact that without pollution outside it looks more beautiful exemplified in the suburban neighborhood.


“Finally, I think this photo I took is fantastic. An iconic sunset picture that conveys a lot about how pure the air is. It highlights the benefits of living in a suburban region where there is less pollution to obstruct the ideal sunset. It is therapeutic for me to be reminded of how exquisite the planet we inhabit was intended to be.”

A lot of times in cities, sunsets aren’t as pretty because of all the air pollution surrounding it. It shows the natural, true beauty of our planet. Cleaner air shows a more visibly appealing imagery. Hopefully sunsets will continue to remain this beautiful and cities like New York will be able to one day see them like this.

The outstanding theme here in my opinion is cleaning up the environment to experience the beauty of nature. Looking through every photo, you don’t see a car in sight (except for the one she is driving), any street lights, and nothing polluting. They’re all pictures of how our world naturally looks. Keeping it clean can result in a more positive feeling individually. These all look as if they could have been taken during lockdown because you see no foot traffic. It represents how life could look if it was just you and the world.

The article “Pollution made COVID-19 worse. Now, lockdowns are clearing the air” had to do with a lot of how I viewed this. In the article they had a picture of an empty road similar to the one here. It stresses how it was easier to breathe and enjoy life when lockdown put a restriction on the amount of pollution, especially in large cities. They also mentioned how dirty air make it easier for Covid to travel, however, I believe that’s the case for most things such as the cold or other sicknesses. If the air is kept the clean the environment looks better and we feel better.

Media Attributions

  • real drive
  • drive
  • 638AF724-2ACE-4D7B-939A-FE52B1AAF2F5_1_201_a


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