Nature of the Past

These images were provided by my friend Sofia (18). Student at UCF


First Image-

“This photo was taken when I still lived in California. Every year this resort would plant and grow fields of flowers that were always set to bloom in April around my birthday. Sometime in April I would go and see the flowers, it was sort of a tradition. They had a mini fair with little kids running around and strawberry fields for picking. It was something I looked forward to as a child every year and with age I was able to enjoy different parts. When I was little I would go for the cute fair games and the little prizes. As I got older I started to go for the flowers and the experience itself.”



In this first image, you see the beauty of nature with the beach in the back to the beauty of the flowers and the surroundings. You can also see how as we age and mature we see the world in a different light. Like how when we are you we look at the big picture of things though as we age we see the smaller details such as Sofia stated.


Second Image-


“Growing up my mom always immersed me in nature though hiking. Being up at the top of a mountain was a whole different feeling than being on flat ground. It made my head clear and freed me of all the other things I had going on in my life. The only thing that I heard around me was nature and my own thoughts. Now that I live in Florida where there are no mountains and everything is flat, I don’t get to experience that feeling anymore but once in a while when I am able to go hiking somewhere it sort of resets me. I believe it’s because I grew up with hiking being that reset due to my moms influence.”



In this image, the images demonstrate a vast open landscape with a semi-clear sky and nothing for miles on end.  This open landscape shows how Sofia uses this as a way to escape reality from the hustle and bustle of daily life.  I think we all can understand the need to clear our heads in the busy world we live in. This photo also taps into the aspect of tradition between her mom and her.


Third Image-


“When I was growing up, my parents would take me to a lake to feed the ducks. We would take whatever old bread or tortillas we had and would feed it to the ducks. It was a family bonding experience that always brings fond memories. Now that I live in Florida, I see all types of birds more frequently, and seeing them always reminds me of feeding them when I was younger. I believe doing that when I was younger caused me to have such a liking for birds. Those experiences caused me to associate birds with happy times.”



In this last photo, you can see the group of white birds huddled all together and the beautiful nature that surrounds them. You can see how Sofia ties the seeing of birds to the tradition of feeding them when she was a kid and the personal meaning she has to them. You can see the importance of birds too as this photo was taken on campus and normal people would walk by and not think twice about the bird but Sofia decided to use this photo.


Recurring Theme

Tradition seems like the recurring theme as every photo taps into it. The first photo is about the transition from visiting the resort to the second of hiking every year then to the last with the feeding of the ducks and how everyone has meaning. The importance of tradition can be seen in the article about the Urban Garden in Santa Cruz where they are defending their land where for two decades the community would use it the farms and corporations are trying to take it away from them. This can tie into how the images Sofia provided the each place and event had a meaning that she held dear to her heart similar to how the Santa Cruz residents held this Urban Garder near and dear to them.


I, Sofia Costa, am hereby giving my full consent For the UCF (University of
Central Florida) student, Brandon Hartmann, to use any of my documents, photographs, and
recordings accumulated and created for the purpose of her PhotoVoice assignment within the course HUM 2020.


These materials may be publicly viewed within the class in order to be critically assessed and graded by her professor.
Such materials may also be distributed amongst classmates/peers and via Pressbooks if the assignment asks for such
evaluation. Further inquiries into said materials can be answered by me through the contact
information displayed below.
By signing below, I hereby give my full consent,
Sofia Costa


Media Attributions

  • pic 1
  • pic2
  • pic3


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Environmental Humanities PhotoVoice Project Copyright © by The Students of HUM2020 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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