Jatin Phalswal PhotoVoice “Interconnected Nature Love Harmony”

Interconnected Nature Love Harmony

These images and perspective are from Sam (18). A student at the University of Central Florida.

I, Sam, am hereby giving my full consent For the UCF (University of
Central Florida) student Jatin Phalswal, to use any of my documents, photographs, and
recordings accumulated and created for the purpose of her PhotoVoice assignment within the course HUM 2020.


These materials may be publicly viewed within the class in order to be critically assessed and graded by her professor.
Such materials may also be distributed amongst classmates/peers and via Pressbooks if the assignment asks for such


First Image –

the calm beauty of nature’s canvas, which is juxtaposed with the frantic activity of modern technology. The sky is painted with delicate, wispy clouds, and the sun shines its golden radiance over the countryside. Present the picture with automobiles moving swiftly down a route, their metallic bodies standing out against the natural surroundings. Emphasize the interplay between these components to demonstrate how the peace of nature coexists with the ever-changing movements and structures of technology created by humans. Examine the harmony or discord between the two, encouraging viewers to reflect on this fascinating interaction.



Second Image –

The picture beautifully depicts the smooth transition between day and night, with the sun’s golden rays illuminating a busy metropolitan area and the night’s embrace gently enveloping the surrounds in a deep azure blanket. The day is a representation of energy and vitality because of the way the bright sunshine brings life to everything around it, making the buildings and streets brimming with bustle. However, the night creates a hushed atmosphere that is perfect for reflection and relaxation, painting a picture of mystery and serenity. The rhythm of life is shaped by day and night, which provide opposing sensations. Daylight spurs activity and vitality, while the night encourages introspection, comfort, and renewal, demonstrating the delicate balance between activity and rest in our everyday lives.


Third Image –

One picture, taken against the backdrop of nature’s artistic creation, tells a powerful story of love molded by viewpoint. A heart-shaped creation that appears in the landscape’s creases is evidence of the profoundly subtle ways that love pervades everything around us. It could just look like a meeting point of trees and foliage to others, but to those who are sensitive to subtleties of perception, it represents the global language of love woven into the very fabric of life. It serves as a subtle reminder that love can be found in both large-scale acts and the unexpected whispers of the natural world, waiting for those with an open heart to see its wonder and beauty.





Sam draws attention to the peaceful cohabitation of nature and the busy world of technology in the first picture. Reflection on the harmony or disharmony between these components is prompted by the juxtaposition of the fast motions of metallic vehicles with the tranquil beauty of nature, depicted through delicate clouds and bright sunshine. The second picture depicts the contrast between day and night in a city, signifying life and vigor during the day and contemplation and calm at night. Sam highlights how these diametrically opposed feelings create our daily rhythms, demonstrating how we should balance rest and activity in our lives. Lastly, love is delicately interwoven into nature’s canvas in the third photograph. Sam uses a heart-shaped formation in the environment to represent how love shows up in the little things. Those who are sensitive to these details are encouraged to see love in both large gestures and the quiet whispers of the natural world. Together, these quotes show Sam’s admiration for the ways in which technology, nature, life’s cycles, and romantic nuance interact, underscoring their importance and connections.




Media Attributions

  • pic 1
  • pic 2
  • pic 3


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Environmental Humanities PhotoVoice Project Copyright © by The Students of HUM2020 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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