Edgar Rodriguez – “Orlando Is Home”


The images and statements seen here were all provided by:

Michael, male, 18, who has been a close and trusted friend of mine since freshman year of high school. He was fully onboard sharing his opinion of not only living here in Orlando, but what it’s like having transitioned into UCF, and what that has meant for his outlook on life.


I, Michael Crocker, am hereby giving my full consent For the UCF (University of Central Florida) student, Edgar Rodriguez, to use any of my documents, photographs, and recordings accumulated and created for the purpose of his PhotoVoice assignment within the course Encountering the Humanities.

By signing below, I hereby give my full consent,
_______________________________ _________________
Michael Crocker

Date: 11/15/2023


#1 – Go Knights! Charge On!

UCF Knights Football

For the first image, I thought it would be fair to mention UCF, and what it has come to signify for me. Like Edgar, it was my first semester here, and it was a great time, especially the football games. It was great to have something to look forward to every other Saturday after what had been a tiring week many times. I also think, since UCF became my home environment, it’s somewhere I felt comfortable and simply happy, being able to share these moments with friends and family. I have to say that it was great getting to familiarize myself with everything the university has to offer, and I quickly settled in and felt at home. I’m eager for the baseball season to start to continue creating these great memories, and making the most of my time here at UCF!

I totally agree with this first one. Even though I haven’t moved on campus, I could still sense how everyone comes together on game-day, which we would eagerly look forward to! Another plus is that UCF offers students free tickets into sporting events, which I really enjoy, and facilitates days like the ones pictured above, and an overall great time!


#2 – Disney = Magic!


Outside of UCF, but still relating to my broader environment of Orlando, I also enjoy spending time with friends and family at Disney. I sent this picture for Edgar to use because I think it summarizes what this great city is about; sunny days and having fun. Again, for both the pictures so far, and the third as well, these are all places I can confidently say I feel comfortable with my surroundings, and believe that to be an important aspect of living here. Also, having more freedom having moved onto campus means I can go to places like these more often, enjoying every minute of it every time!

I like how Michael brought up Disney for this one, which I’ve noticed is a huge draw to not only tourists, but also to UCF students who are coming from outside of Orlando, or out of state even more so. It turns out that the appeal of the amusement parks is much greater than I had first envisioned, and so this section belongs here!


#3 – Health and Mind

Lake Underhill Afternoon Walk

Staying on a similar topic for all three pictures, this next one I think resembles one word so well, which is comfort. I really enjoy going out for walks or jogging whenever I have spare time, and this was also taken here in Orlando, at Lake Underhill Park near downtown. This city has something for everyone to enjoy; no matter what the individual’s interests may be, they’ll certainly find something to enjoy here. Switching topics slightly, I think one of the main concerns would be how to ensure it all gets preserved. It’s important we don’t take any of these things for granted, and to continuously remind ourselves of the value of everything around us. I feel that sometimes people fail to take note of that, which is a real shame. At that park actually, I found graffiti on the wall for the first time since I started going years ago, something that admittedly shocked me. I have gone back since and it was removed, but it’s things like that which I believe we all have a responsibility to not only avoid, but discourage. Orlando is a place that has also experienced huge growth in the recent past, with more people from different places coming on a daily basis. It’s important to maintain our identity as somewhere that welcomes all, and that there is a shared sense of community and belonging.


Key Takeaways and Analysis

Having seen and read Michael’s images and statements, I see a clear message of preservation and humility. Caring for what is around you, and the places you spend a lot of your time in is absolutely important, and I’m completely on board. I enjoyed the fact that he selected places and events that bring him happy experiences and memories, and could also relate to much of what he brought up, particularly making sure we conserve Orlando’s identity as a city that prides itself in welcoming people from all parts of not only the state and country, but the world as well. I also found the transition to UCF to be interesting and relatable. Even though I don’t live on campus as of now, I have also been satisfied with how the transition into college has gone, and feel a similar level of comfort whenever I’m on campus. I thought it was important to point that out, as it is a place where we spend much of our time. Overall, it was great working with Michael on this project, and it was a pleasure gaining on insight on what he values most, and thinks is most important in life.

Reading in Class that Relates:

The first that came immediately to mind was the article of San Diego’s Chicano Park. There, a positive aspect of the community was also highlighted, very similar to what Michael did here! Even though many were displaced with the creation of Chicano Park, they were able to turn it into something beautiful, embracing their true roots and who they really are. With the pictures of just a few things that Orlando has to offer, I think we showcased our community in a relatable way!



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Edgar Rodriguez - "Orlando Is Home" Copyright © by The Students of HUM2020. All Rights Reserved.

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