A Youths Perspective

A Youths Perspective

Christian Weaver

Images provided by David Weaver, My younger brother who is 13 years old

I, David Weaver, am hereby giving my full consent For the UCF (University of
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David Weaver



#1:My dog


My dog is something very special to me. He gives me good company. He helps me feel better in times of distress. He has the same feelings as us. He brings kindness to me when everyone else rejects me. His cries are a reminder of his discomfort. He is a symbol of hope and love to me.


I think this description of our pet dog highlights the companionship one can feel with nature. In the bigger picture a dog is such a small part of the overall environment of the world but yet it can still bring one person so much joy. This emphasizes the innocence of my brother where even the little things can make him happy. When asked to take pictures of something he didn’t look for something grand and flashy. Instead, he took a picture of his companion.

#2:The Middle Tree


The middle tree is a beautiful creation. This tree is a symbol of that reminds me of home. As it grows older its leaves stay the same pretty green. It’s another amazing part of nature. Plants are very beneficial to us. Trees give us what we need.


I like how he chose the middle tree out of all of the plants we have at our house. I get the same feeling as well from the tree because it is one of the oldest trees we have and has always held a sense of nostalgia for the family. He also highlights how it is still the same pretty green he saw when he was younger. This is another example of his innocent perspective; he doesn’t look at the dried leaves hanging under but rather the nicer green leaves. He also talks about the importance of trees to people overall. Rather than look at the negatives he looked purely for the benefits of nature.

#3:Our Garden


My family’s garden provides a good amount of food. It also gives us appealing flowers to look at. They also provide the oxygen we breathe. We should be more appreciative of gardens. We should keep our gardens safe from weeds and other plants that don’t belong there. Plants are necessary for life.

Another very nostalgic choice to take a picture of since the family has had a lot of fond memories working on the garden. He highlights the importance of gardens, like the food or oxygen they provide. I like his stance on gardens as a whole as well. How we should appreciate and take care of them because they are necessary for life. He also takes into account the beauty they provide with flowers. All of these reasons to take care of gardens.




If I were to summarize all three images and statements given by my brother, the theme would be innocence of youth or nostalgia. All three statements gave very innocent and optimistic descriptions of memorable aspects of nature. He also discussed the companionship he felt with nature in the first image. I also share similar fond memories of each of the images so I’m happy to see that he picked these to be his three images. It is important to note that in each of the images he took time to appreciate as well as highlight the importance of each of them in the environment. His innocence looked at only the brighter side of nature and how important it is. I think the article Chicano Park and the Chicano Park Murals: Barrio Logan, City of San Diego, California relates to the statements really well it is another example of looking for the good in a situation. Where the people took a park and turned it into a work of art.



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