Sofia Costa “The Little Things”


These images and descriptions are provided by Brandon, an 18 year old UCF student.

I, Brandon, am hereby giving my full consent For the UCF (University of
Central Florida) student, Sofia Costa, to use any of my documents, photographs, and
recordings accumulated and created for the purpose of her PhotoVoice assignment within the course HUM2020.


These materials may be publicly viewed within the class in order to be critically assessed and graded by her professor.
Such materials may also be distributed amongst classmates/peers and via Pressbooks if the assignment asks for such
evaluation. Further inquiries into said materials can be answered by me through the contact
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By signing below, I hereby give my full consent,
_______________________________ _________________

Brandon Hartmann

Date 11-15-23


A Rainy Web

“This image was taken while I was walking my dog during the early morning hours when there was still fog out and about. I feel this represents the beauty in nature. Since I was young I have always loved being out in the woods doing photography and enjoying the environment around me. It makes me feel safe and calm. ”


As we can see in Brandon’s statement he talks about taking a picture at an early time in the morning while walking his dog. This was probably at a time that no one was around which adds to the calmness of the photo. The web was something that caught his attention even with how early it was in the morning. It was probably cold out by the looks of the photo and it was early yet he took the time to stop and admire the rain drops that made the spiderweb so beautiful.

A Happy Meal


“This image represents my day-to-day at job McDonald’s where I am a manager. The fun atmosphere that I work around with and the small things such as catching this heart-shaped nugget that had everyone laughing. The nugget lifted the spirits of the people after having a crappy day. It gave everyone a little laugh before we got back to work.”


Being a manager at Mc Donald’s is probably not a fun job everyday especially with crazy people. From the way Brandon describes it to me, it’s always busy nonstop so there’s little downtime. Even with that, they still saw this one chicken nugget and decided to take a picture of it. There were probably a lot more chicken nuggets that were there just along that one but for some reason that one stood out. He could have continued working but instead decided to stop and take a picture of this one chicken nugget.

Friendly Moments


“This image shows two friends that I’ve known for years this photo just shows us hanging around at the dock enjoying each other’s company. This is during Thanksgiving when we are all able to come back and reconnect. We used to play around this dock as kids and continue to go back. Revisiting it overtime doesn’t change how we feel about the place. Though it’s been months it feels like no time has passed at all.”


After not seeing his friends for a while, they’re still able to pick up where they left off. Now more than ever they appreciate the time they have together since they now have gone their separate ways. They still have the memories that they made previously at that dock but the new memories that they make now are that much more precious.


Throughout all these photos the main theme that is seen is connection through the little things that are in life. Everyone has a different definition as to what it “little” for them. For some, something may be viewed as a little part of their day that made them happy for a moment where as for others, it made their whole day and was the only thing they thought about. For example, the heart shaped chicken nugget may have seemed like a small thing but to others it was something that made their whole shift worth the while and was something they went home to tell their kids. One article from class that reminds me of this theme is the “Urban Garden in Santa Cruz California” article. The article talks about how the garden is in danger of being shut down because the people who own the land, Seaside Company, don’t see it necessary to keep around and need the land for their own needs. To this massive company, the garden for them is this tiny thing that matters very little to them and they could care less if it went away. For the Beach Flats Community however the garden means everything to them and is their way of bonding as a community and providing food and jobs to people in need.


Media Attributions

  • Screenshot 2023-12-01 215245
  • Screenshot 2023-12-01 221058
  • Screenshot 2023-12-01 225010


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Environmental Humanities PhotoVoice Project Copyright © by The Students of HUM2020 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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