
worlds beauty

Romina Vallejo

My partner identified as kiet tran . He is 19 years old student from Vietnam, who have given me consent and permission to use her photo and statement as part of my Photo Voice project for HUM 2020 


I took this picture 3 months ago when I went to a lake with my friends. The sunset colors reflected in the water made me feel really inspired to take the picture. It was around 6 pm, there were not too many people, and felt really calm.



I took this picture summer of ’23, I was going on my daily walk when I saw a small rabbit eating. And by the time I got close enough, I realized that it was camouflaged with the grass, so I loved the fact the animals could hide from their predators without even trying,  they were boron with that characteristic.

I took this picture the day I graduated from UCF global. I when to eat at a restaurant, and when I saw the sky I loved the colors and how the palm tree made the perfect contrast with the colors from the sunset. I loved it so I took a picture.




As a reflection about my partner’s pictures, I can see how he appreciates small things in life, and how he loves recoding memories with pictures. Nature is beautiful in the most diffident way. It is full of life and filled with vibrant scenery. With this in mind, we need to protect the natural aesthetic of nature. It starts with the small actions we take every day to protect our planet. Limit the use of plastic of all kinds, switching to a greener type of fuel like solar or electricity, etc… Our utmost importance task is to preserve these natural resources so our children and grandchildren do not have to deal with the consequences of our actions.






Media Attributions

  • 1cd9aa57-cf9a-4f13-989e-986ad00cbace
  • Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 7.14.02 PM
  • Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 7.14.13 PM


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Environmental Humanities PhotoVoice Project Matthew Copyright © by The Students of HUM2020 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.