
Elle Jetvig

“The Painted Colors of Life”

By: Elle Jetvig

Participant: Gabe Velez

Age: 20

Relationship: Boyfriend

Additional Info: Gabe is an electrical engineering at the University of Central Florida. He loves being in nature, caring for others, trying new things, and of corse sunsets every night.


“Homebound Serenity”- Photo #1

“This astounding shot was taken on the sands of my hometown, Naples Florida. Though it may just look like another sunset, it holds so much more emphasis and value then the imagination can hold. On this day, April 21, 2020, the world was slowly getting torn apart by the devastating effects of COVID-19. From such a beautiful image, you would never imagine it being in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. I remember this very moment feeling so warm and serine. A moment of calm in the storm. I was finally allowed out of my humble abode to go and watch the sunset on the beaches that raised me. Not only that, I suddenly began to realize what importance sunsets truly hold. The sign of living on this beautiful earth yet another day. The painted sky that transforms the bright blue into the black and starry night. Sunsets were now seen as a sign that I lived another day. A sign that I am alive and healthy. A sign that I can wake up tomorrow and experience life again. A sign that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. A sign of peace. The list can go on forever and ever. Despite the lockdown, quarantine, hospitalized poor sad world in this time, I got to see a sunset at the end of every day. This photo became my background on my phone as a constant reminder of the internal message I created with it. From this moment on, wherever I was at sunset time, I would make it my priority to go outside , soak it in, reflect on my day, and take a picture of it.” -Gabe Dueri


Gabe presents a beautiful standpoint to his thoughts about the sunset. Bringing the background of COVID into play reveals a first glimpse about how he views the world around him. The year of 2020 was extremely difficult for everyone and it is truly remarkable to see how this individual found peace and happiness at the end of every day. It is just astonishing to listen to the message brought out through these sunsets that he provides for us. Describing dusk as “…a sign that I lived another day. A sign I am alive and healthy.”, truly paints the picture that it is so beautiful to be grateful for the little things in life. That we live life at such high speed, never taking the time to sit down and reflect on how amazing it is to be on this earth. Gabe truly shows us the message of peace and how to see good in everything.


“Peace in Fear”- Photo #2

“One year after my love for sunsets started, it was time to fly on an airplane for my very first time. April 25, 2022 I boarded my first flight from Ft. Myers Florida to Cancun Mexico. Setting foot on that plane I was more anxious than ever. Although I knew in the back of my mind that air travel was something people do daily, I was petrified. Things can always go south, people make mistakes, weather can take a 180. I had no clue if I was even going to walk off this airplane into sunny beautiful Mexico. Moments before takeoff my mom told me to open the window. Sliding the plastic window shade up, I see this graceful sunset. A tingle shrivels down my body knowing im at peace. Suddenly, instead of thinking about a plane falling from 100,000 feet, i’m daydreaming about the gift before me. 369 days ago I discovered my life viewpoint through sunsets and now i’m on a plane for the first time going to Mexico. Now that is something to raise a glass for. However, seeing another day is always something to give thanks for, there is another message I’ve discovered through my days. And that is every SINGLE one being so unique and different. Some days are more purple, some more orange. Some show clouds, some have none. There may be a storm, or a blizzard, or even a tornado, but there is always a sunset. I began to connect this message to my personal life by digging up the hidden treasure of every day looking different. Every day of your life is different and it is so valuable to know it is okay to have a bad day, it is okay to be stressed, it is also okay to fly on an airplane for the first time, or maybe even skydive. Each and every day is another memory and another day you were able to live on this earth. So treasure every moment with loved ones, fun times, and all the good in your days. And always always ALWAYS let the nightfallen sky be a reminder of the life you have been given.” -Gabe Dueri

Gabe unfolds another gracious story and message to life through his “peace in fear” photo. Giving us the background of the flight to cancun, filled with nerves and uncertainty, allows us to see his life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. But he was able to turn this situation around by seeing the constant reminder of peace, the daily sunset. The theme of tranquility that Gabe has connected to the falling sun was able to ease his mind from the fear of this new experience. With that, he also shared his message on each day being so special due to the fact no one is ever the same. Relating this back to the sunsets and how us humans will never see one that looks identical to another is a very creative way of explaining it to us. It truly makes you sit and reflect on life in the increments of days. Each and every one holds something special that differentiates it from all the other ones. This theme is just beautiful and shows Gabes further thankfulness of the life he has been blessed with.



“A Goal Met Moment”-Photo #3

“Ever since middle school, I knew I wanted to go to the University of Central Florida for college. It was all I hoped and dreamed about. Being a 13 year old kid, sitting in class, feeling like college was SOOOO far away, I only saw UCF in my dreams.  High School rolls around and collage starts to creep closer. Teachers start talking your ear off about the SAT and how stupid behavior won’t “fly” in college. At this time, I new in my heart I belonged at UCF, but yet it still felt like it was so far away. COVID times came and dissolved and it was finally my senior year. The college applications were suddenly due in a week and before I new it I was opening UCF mail. I was shaking at the sight of reading this letter. It was a make or break moment for me. Absolutely glowing with joy I screamed “IM GOING TO BE A KNIGHT”. My parents, siblings and I all cried of happiness. I had known UCF was written in the stars for me. May rolls around and I graduate from High School and spend my last summer at home. Before I knew it, the car was all packed up to go move into my dorm. At this moment I had no idea the new journey I was about to set out on. Again, it still didn’t even feel real at this moment. A couple weeks go by and I am all fired up for my very first football game as a Knight. The student section was so live, the players absolutely killing it on the field and my smile ear to ear. I gaze my eyes up at the sky and see one of the most gorgeous sunsets Ive ever laid my eyes on. In that instant it felt like the world around me stopped. The moments of all my wishing and dreaming of being at UCF had finally come true and I was even watching a sunset there. Above the Saturday night football lights. Above the high energy crowd. And best of all, above me, the one who worked so hard to make it here. It reminded me of the airplane and Naples beach photos. How it was another day I am so grateful to have lived, to be alive and healthy, and another special and unique day unlike any other one I have ever lived. I captured that moment with this photo and have kept it close ever sense. I will continue to treasure these moments and the memories, thoughts, and feelings I have connected to them forever. And I cannot wait to see what the future will hold for me.” – Gabe Dueri


Gabe truly ties in the message of his photos with this last image. It is beautiful to listen to the story of watching his dreams come true. Life really does fly so fast and it will be over before you realize it. Weather you believe things are far away, or seem unreal, they will come before you know it. Gabes main message he is trying to convey is to be grateful to live every day and to hold on and cherish it. We also see themes of goal reaching, individuality and how important health and living is.This astonishing human being gives his message so powerfully and leaves us with a lot to take from it all. You can also see the sunset everyday, cherish moments in life, be thankful and achieve your goals just like Gabe did. Just always believe and see the good in everything.:)


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