Nature and its Relationships: Kieran Connolly

Anna Gilbert age 18 was born in raised in Florida, West Palm Beach to be more specific she is not only my classmate but my very close friend. With her growing up by the beach I knew she would be perfect for this project of mine because I really wanted to focus on the connections between plants in nature and outstanding factors. Her consent form is at the bottom of the passage.

Picture #1

Everglades Marsh

Anna Gilbert’s Statement:

“This picture is from the time I was kayaking in the everglades. To me this shows the home of many different plant and animal species and how they all come together in this ecosystem. This is a sanctuary to many homes and with the world we are in today they may not be safe place for these animals forever. Not only am I able to appreciate the beauty of this but it also brings attention to me about the dangers that might be in the future for this ecosystem.”


This picture can be taken into many different ways, at first glance I take in the beauty of the picture as a whole. The tall trees show the beauty of nature and I know that many of different types of animals can reside in and on trees, from the smallest of bugs to the biggest of birds. That with the combination of the life living in the water surrounding the trees shows the beauty of an ecosystem. Where as the tree is providing a home the water is providing necessary nutrients to help the tree grow and flourish. But on the other hand when putting it into perspective the amounts of large to small scale deforestation in the United States means that these trees aren’t guaranteed to be here forever. Which means not only can the trees be destroyed but all the plant and animal life that depends on the trees.

Picture #2


Dominican Republic

Anna Gilbert’s Statement:

“This picture was taken in the Dominican Republic over spring break. The different country showed me a perspective into how different the environment and nature gets treated. I was shocked when I saw that in the Dominican Republic there was not any trash on the beach and the water was crystal clear and the sand was soft. Back home is a lot different as the water is murky and you can’t walk a couple of feet without seeing trash all over the beach. It’s very eye opening to see how we choose to treat not only our personal space but public areas, and how it’s different in other parts of the world. It makes me hopeful towards our future and how we can learn from other places proper care and treatment of out environment.”


Looking at this picture it is so clear to see that it wasn’t taken in the United States as Anna mentioned its difficult to find a beach where trash isn’t visible as far as the eye can see. This image does a great job by showing how we as humans can interact with nature and still keep clean. As one can see man made chairs and cabana like structures but the rest of the beach seems well kept and clean. Anna mentions how the water is “crystal clear”, here in Florida most specifically it’s hard to find any natural body of water that is clear not murky and green.

Picture #3

Cocoa Beach

Anna Gilbert’s Statement: 

“This picture was taken in Cocoa Beach. It was at night with a pretty sunset and while I was taking this picture you could hear the grasshoppers and other animals. It was so peaceful and shows how there is harmony and balance in the Earth. As well as the moonshining added it all together”

My Analysis: 

This picture shows the beauty of nature once again, and with the added commentary from Anna describing of factors that were happening during the picture really give me a good idea about what was happening and how she was feeling while the picture was being taken. I can deducted that she was feeling very at peace that most likely being a pushing factor for the picture. The moon rising in the sky as the sun was disappearing really puts in to perspective the passing of time day-by-day.

Reoccurring Theme 

Where as all there pictures are showing the beauties of nature there is a theme that stands out more, and that is the interaction between plants and animals (also including humans). They all show in a way how important it is to protect our land because not only do we depend on nature but many of animals do as well. From the beauties of a moon lite night time at the beach to the gorgeous white sands and clear water in the Dominican Republic to even the waters of the Everglades, everywhere we look serves way more purposes then we can even imagine.



Anna Gilbert’s Consent Form:

CONSENT FORMI, Anna Gilbert , am hereby giving my full consent For the UCF (University ofCentral Florida) student, Kieran Connolly, to use any of my documents, photographs,and recordings accumulated and created for the purpose of her PhotoVoice assignmentwithin the course Humanities.

These materials may be publicly viewed within the class in order to be criticallyassessed and graded by her professor.Such materials may also be distributed amongst classmates/peers and via Pressbooksif the assignment asks for suchevaluation. Further inquiries into said materials can be answered by me through thecontactinformation displayed below.By signing below, I hereby give my full consent,Anna GilbertDate11/15/

Media Attributions

  • Image 12-1-23 at 6.49 PM
  • Image 12-1-23 at 7.24 PM
  • Image 12-1-23 at 7.32 PM


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Environmental Humanities PhotoVoice Project Matthew Copyright © by The Students of HUM2020 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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