
My Career Ready Portfolio

My Career Ready Portfolio


I’m a proud Peruvian, German born, immigrant. I came to the U.S. at 7 years old, first in New York, then Virginia, and finally in Orlando. I lived with my mom through multiple rented out rooms and basements throughout my life. Having moved so much during my developing years, led me to search for a place to call my own. When I found that said place during high school, I felt the need to serve the community that had embraced me and accepted me for who I am. Thus, my leadership journey began. I loved and enjoyed the ability to create community with others around me, and serve alongside them to create something for others.

I’m very proud of the accomplishments that I’ve worked for throughout this year. Serving as UCFs inaugural 2023 Leadership Week Executive Director, my team developed over 35 programs that included: 1. Student Success 2. Discovery and Exploration 3. Community and Culture, to over 800 student participants. It was the role of a lifetime. I worked with several other entities across the UCF community leading to a successful week by holding a line of communication and organization through 11 months of planning. Additionally, I served as the 2023 Homecoming Comedy Knight Director. I worked alongside the executive board to cater to over 68,000 students along with alumni and faculty, which helped me deepen my connection of being a Knight. By creating the best week of the year, through executing large-scale events which included managing 43 volunteers, working with 3rd party companies, and collaborating with agencies/RSOs: I was able to beat Concert Knight in a friendly ticket competition, which hasn’t happened in over 4 years. For Comedy Knight, I oversaw a $35,000 budget which was catered to the venue, the artist, and marketing campaign.

Outside of UCF, I work at my non-profit organization called, Rhizome. In August 2021, I co-founded Rhizome: a national, nonpartisan network activating young people’s identities into action. We create pathways toward lifelong leadership by training students to build civic literacy campaigns, empowering youth to make themselves heard, and inviting personal reflection within close-knit communities. Within this organization, I serve as a Regional Organizer leading 3 states: Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. I oversee and support 9 Community Organizers who work and lead 48 highschool fellows. In addition, I serve on the Board of Directors to lead the financial, visionary, and programatic aspects of the organization according to the 10 year strategic plan.


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My Career Ready Portfolio Copyright © 2024 by Virginia A. Koch, PhD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.