Module 10

Cold War Part 3

  1. By JFK’s term in 1960, US moves to policy of “Flexible Response“which had four premises:
    1. Violence in any form can most effectively be dealt with by equivalent violence, so needed global containment of communist-supported revolution and that force should be carefully proportioned to the military strength of the threatening force
    2. respond to threats vs US with appropriate means at the times,
    3. preparation for regular as well as nuclear conflict, and
    4. massive offensive nuclear build-up with largest number nuclear arms (including nuclear submarines) and organization of the Green Berets
  2. Enter Robert McNamara, Secy of Defense, who revolutionizes Pentagon with mass use of computer models and social analysis for decisions (1960-1963)
    1. Calls for “Planning Programming Budget System” (PPBS).
      1. wanted control of the budget by Secy of Defense (militarily)
      2. made military managers not warriors
      3. tries to quantify war but eliminates human variability
    2. Counter-force strategy”: aimed at the elimination of the opposing military establishment and endorsed by the Air Force. Focuses on enemy missiles and weapons systems as opposed to population centers but must first absorb first-strike attack. Caused overproduction of missiles.
    3. Then proposes “Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD)”: closely resembles massive retaliation but emphasizes commonality and cooperation between the military services to retain US capability to destroy 25% of Soviet population and 25% of Soviet industry after 1st strike attack on US
  3. Kennedy assassinated Nov 22, 1963, and enter LBJ at height of controversy over Vietnam
    1. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964): LBJ gets Congressional authorization to take necessary measures to repel attacks against the US forces and to prevent further communist aggression in SE Asia
    2. Later, Nixon Doctrine: US would concentrate on NATO commitment and maintaining military alliances with Japan and South Korea. All other regional conflicts met by US allies with US air support, technical aids, and arms from US but no ground troops.
    3. Move toward détente (relaxing tension) by 1970s, and signing of first Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty (1972) followed by SALTII by 1977. These provided hope for possible nuclear disarmament but no actual reduction occurred. Positives were increased space cooperation and easing of trade restrictions or embargoes.


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